The “Cold”

In November our family started sharing the colds that were going around. No one got the dreaded flu, but we all had our fair share of colds. My hubby, Carlos, seemed to get a mild cold that just wouldn’t go away. His cough was dry and annoying, (to himself, not us, well ok, to us too, lol) but not concerning. As December came he started to feel sick again, this time a mild ear ache and pressure in his jaw.  We had a busy month with our oldest and her hubby visiting for a week and Christmas so he just tolerated his mild, yet annoying, symptoms.

In January he was getting annoyed by the ear pain, and began to think he had tonsillitis.(He still has his tonsils) He also noticed a swollen lymph node and took that as confirmation that he should get some antibiotics. He never ran a fever, so up until this point, he assumed it was viral and would pass. He used a program our insurance covers called Teladoc. He described his ear, throat and jaw pain to a Dr over the phone and was prescribed antibiotics for ten days.

In February, about two weeks after finishing those antibiotics, he still didn’t feel better so he went to urgent care. They looked in his ears, nose and throat and saw an enlarged tonsil so they prescribed a five day stronger antibiotic. This would be finished on the first day of his previously planned three week trip to visit his parents in South America.  That’s when things shifted gears.

{Next post is here}

Outtakes are my favorite! Here’s a few from our Christmas season!


7 thoughts on “The “Cold””

  1. I love reading your writing! Can’t wait to hear more. Ice been praying for all the Hottons a lot lately! ❤️
    Love, Leane


    1. Thank you Leane! Us Hottons have a lot going on!! Thanks for the prayers! Maybe when you finish galavanting the world we can grab coffee. I’ve enjoyed seeing your mom, even though it was in dark hospital rooms. She’s a sweet and loyal friend to my parents. much love!!


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